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Career Consulting

Career Consulting

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
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Need help getting your music career off the ground? Schedule a consultation call with Juice God. I will use my experience and connections to assist your career however I can. The initial call is to set up a plan based on your specific needs as an artist, producer, or engineer. [LIMITED SLOTS AVAILABLE]

Topics I can help with include but are not limited to:

- Getting a record deal (What labels are looking for, what kind of deal is best for you)

- Releasing a mixtape, EP, or album (Choosing which one is best based on your budget and goals, 

- Creating a budget for your project (Discussing unexpected costs to completing project, distributing finances to cover all necessary bases for project)

- Finding and communicating with graphic designers

- Creating music videos (Pairing with the right director, finding and booking locations to film, casting talent for your video) 

- Maximizing Studio Time (Planning what needs to be accomplished each session, deciding what prep work should be done before session start, finding the most cost effective methods for completing project)

- Planning listening parties and private events (Timing your event to maximize promotion for your project, choosing a cost effective venue)

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